Chartier reveals the first label from his new range of wines!

Chartier reveals the first label from his new range of wines!

A revolution is taking place in the wine section of IGA stores! François Chartier «Créateur d’harmonies» has created a second range of wines: LES VINS HARMONIES. Starting September 25, this new range of high quality European wines created “by and for food”...
La segunda edicion del Barcelona Wine & Culinary International Forum

La segunda edicion del Barcelona Wine & Culinary International Forum

El próximo 28 de septiembre se celebra la segunda edición del Wine & Culinary International Forum, un evento bienal organizado por Bodegas Torres y la Fundación Dieta Mediterránea, dirigido a profesionales y en el que participan reconocidos sumilleres, bodegueros,...
New gastronomic beer crafted for food by Chartier & Glutenberg

New gastronomic beer crafted for food by Chartier & Glutenberg

Saison Froide is a Belgian-inspired creation. Thoroughly fragrant, dry and refreshing, it was developed using ingredients dominated by “cold-tasting” aromatic components (molecules): Anethole, Estragole, Eugenol, Limonene. Fresh basil, Japanese Sansho pepper, Mexican...
Chartier's Wines Still Under 20 Dollars!

Chartier's Wines Still Under 20 Dollars!

Keeping his range of wines at an affordable price was always a priority for François Chartier, and in keeping with this objective, he has personally absorbed the recent tax hike, which came in effect last August 1. Thus, Chartier’s range of six wines — available...