The DOP Ron de Guatemala commissioned Chartier World LAB to analyze the molecular
harmonies of 4 different categories of its rums: Solera Añejo, Solera Reserva, Solera Gran
Reserva and Solera Gran Reserva Especial.

The aim is to define their gastronomic DNA, to foment creativity in the gastronomic sector by
associating them with ingredients (solid and liquid) and world cuisines through the science of
molecular harmonies.

François Chartier and the Chartier World LAB team are grateful to have been able to carry out
this molecular analysis, the results of which enable the Ron de Guatemala DOP to stand out
thanks to a new and unique approach: the unveiling of the "Gastronomic DNA" of these rums.


Revealed through the “Singular Aromatic Profile” of each rum category, Gastronomic DNA is linked to the aromatic science of Molecular Harmonies. The “singular aromatic profile”, signed by the dominant molecules of each of the 4 categories, gave rise to a list of solid and liquid ingredients, some of which share several of the same dominant molecules, thus becoming what the Chartier World LAB team aptly named: the “Gastronomic DNA” of each rum.

Thus, ingredients hitherto hidden by the aromatic complexity of rums, become “Gastronomic DNA” to inspire new and infallible harmonies between rums and these 6 ingredients that make up their “Gastronomic DNA” – as well as with the thirty or so other complementary ingredients in each category.

Through this study, the CWL has highlighted some of the foods already very present in the local culture, as if they were already intrinsically linked. Here is the scientific proof now, and so it also allows Guatemala to highlight its local heritage, its gastronomic identity.

How to use each of these studies?

  • Download the study you want (all of them if you want!)
  • Depending on the category chosen, for example Solera añejo, choose one of the foods from the Gastronomic DNA, such as banana, and combine it with the complementary ingredients from the list corresponding to the ingredient.

In the same list, Solera añejo+ banana liqueur+ star anise water (cocktail idea) or for a dish, Solera añejo+ roasted lavender-scented bacon+ parsnip purée, if it’s a dessert, Solera añejo+ papaya+ coffee spherification…..