WINES Harmonies
This second line of wines developed by François Chartier was born out of the desire to revolutionize the concept of wine and food harmonies. Thanks to his partnership with IGA, six new high-quality European wines were introduced between 2014 and 2016 in all IGA grocery stores in Quebec and Sobeys group grocery stores. These are wines designed “by the table and for the table” and they were an immediate success. The public’s enthusiasm was such that one month after the release of the first three wines, in 2014, Sobeys-IGA decided to add new outlets: at Rachelle-Béry, Les Marchés Traditions and Bonichoix.

From Spain to France, via Italy
LA PÊCHE MIGNONNE is a French white wine, while L’OLIVIER D’ANIS is a French red; LE CLOU DE BASILE is an Italian red wine and L’ÉPICÉ NOIR a Spanish red made from grapes from very old vines. With L’ÉPINE DE LA ROSE we are back on French territory, but with a rosé; finally, LE GRAND TOUSKI is a white wine from France.
These six new signature vintages all come from great terroirs, including some cultivated biodynamically.
Partners from the very beginning
François Chartier has followed the same aromatic paths here as for three of the six wines in his first successful line, “Créateur d’harmonies.” For this new challenge, he has reunited with oenologist Pascal Chatonnet, as well as four long-time wine producers-artisan partners: the Mezy family from Clos des Augustins in Pic Saint-Loup; the Jaume family from Domaine Jaume in Vinsobres; the Moretti family from Petra Wines in Tuscany; and the Spanish duo Aurelio Cabestrero and Isaac Fernandez.
New line, new labels
The labels resemble a grocery list, featuring foods belonging to the aromatic family that inspired the creation of each wine. The illustrations make you want to cook and are key to creating wine and food pairings more easily than ever.
A natural and harmonious association with IGA
“I am delighted to know that consumers will now be able to experience the complete Chartier harmonic experience in one place, at IGA, while having access to quality wines, distinguished by their terroirs of origin,” says François Chartier.
IGA has always been committed to collaborating with local entrepreneurs, providing consumers with exclusivity and a distinctive offering. Les Vins Harmonies allow Quebecers to taste the unexpected, to enjoy culinary experiences that will delight the taste buds. “We are proud to offer this unique range selected by François Chartier. The wines correspond to our philosophy of providing quality and unique products that encourage discovery, cooking and the pleasure of eating!” explains Pierre Labelle, Vice-President, Grocery Category, Sobeys Québec. IGA has recently made a significant shift towards eating better, which now guides all its actions. It hopes to make Quebecers want to cook, discover, make responsible choices, and eat well. To this end, IGA has partnered with three celebrity ambassadors who are passionate about good food: Josée di Stasio, Christian Bégin and Stefano Faita. Each of them will work with François Chartier to create recipes in perfect harmony with Les Vins Harmonies.