Mustard shares two of its main aromatic compounds with wasabi and horseradish, but it is also dominated by Estragol, an aromatic compound with a “cold taste”, which also marks the profile of tarragon and green apple. When roasted, mustard seeds lose their pungent flavor and become milder, with a nutty flavor and mild bitterness. Mustard is also used in the composition of vadouvan, a blend of Indian spices with cumin, fenugreek, turmeric, pepper, onion, shallot and garlic.
Complementary Ingredients
- Green anise
- Celery
- Broccoli
- Fresh coriander
- Kale
- Lime
- Lemon balm
- Nutmeg
- Horseradish
- Wasabi
Wine & Complementary Drinks
- Albariño
- Cabernet franc
- Furmint
- Riesling
- Matcha tea
More to discover in the book Taste Buds and Molecules.
Discover the aromatic recipes on the website: by Francois Chartier.